Links to other resources in Chinese:
Chinese ‘Quiet Time’ material in different books of the Bible, eg:
These websites provide free downloads of a number of Christian books:
This Resource List (3652 downloads) introduces many good Christian resources in Chinese
Chinese Bibles: An article from an Australian returnees’ website with helpful advice on choosing a Bible translation
Mimai: Chinese books, Bible studies, Bible reading plans and Theological study
What is the Gospel? This site gives a basic outline of the good news of Jesus Christ
The Hope. This 80 minute video is an excellent Bible Overview designed to help non Christians understand why the gospel is such good news for all people
ChurchChina:The online version of a magazine published by churches in China, with interesting articles on a variety of topics
The Word 1-2-1: A resource for evangelistic one-to-one Bible study in John’s Gospel (scroll to the bottom of the webpage for Chinese translation)
Do you have a Question? This site gives simple answers to some of the most common questions about Christianity
Sermons in Mandarin
Two sermons on 1 Peter which focus on standing firm after returning home:
Studying Theology – this site will help you do some in-depth theological study
Books in Mandarin outside China (bookshop in the US, bookshop in the UK)
For some good books published in Chinese, click here